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OLD Commit to Bliss 2: Conduit For Love - SELF-GUIDED
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Welcome to Commit to Bliss, Part 2!
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Lecture Content Block 1
Video 1: Welcome to Conduit for Love (6:54)
Video 2: Overview of the Course, Interactive (4:19)
Video 3: The Lion and the Lightning Bolt: Understanding this course through the Badge (7:21)
Video 4: Review from Commit Sessions Part 1 (13:19)
Video 5: Review from Commit Sessions Part 2 (9:13)
Video 6: What is Love? Part One: The Greatest Gift (11:32)
Video 7: What is Love? Part Two: Love Blurs the Line. (10:27)
Video 8: You are a Conduit for Love (20:44)
Day 2
Journal Topic: Ministry of Loneliness a 2 min watch
Blissology Journal Questions - Please answer here. (3:35)
Fearless Love Yoga Flow
Day 3
Who is someone you miss and how does this help you get clear on what you can leave behind?
Day 4
Blissology Discussion Topic: How blocked are you and how open are you When you are in situations where you are sharing your gifts? (3:43)
Today's Yoga Practice = Yoga Honey Short Form
Day 5 and 6
Saturday Meditation Intro to Head Belly Heart Harmony (3:18)
Saturday Head Belly Heart Meditation Practice (10:21)
Sunday Intro to Metta-Physical Yoga (12:18)
Sunday Metta-Physical Yoga
Lecture Content Block 2 - Week 2
Video 9: What Love? An Energy or a just a Hormone? (12:09)
Video 10: Peace and Love, Cardamon and Chai - use Youtube
Video 11:Peace, Love and Non-Attachment (9:31)
Video 12: Love is a Fire; Peace is an Oxygen Mask (11:05)
Video 13: Yoga Asana and Love (9:27)
Intention of a Blissology Yoga class (5:16)
Day 7 Monday
Yoga: Energy Can Only Be Transferred
Blissology Discussion topic: What happens to others when we "broadcast Love?"
Day 8 Tuesday
Do you get your happiness from inner peace? Lecture 10 non-attachment 2:19 (3:19)
Day 9
Blissology Journal Topic: Describe the physical sensations of peace and love.
Yoga Routine: You Conduit!
Day 10
Blissology Journal Topic for Sunday and Monday: Your 6 Most Common Thought Loops (0:59)
Somatic Practice: Heart Dusting (15:11)
Lecture Content Block 3
Video 14: Love is Your Power Source
Video 15: Take a Ride with the Wise Guide Inside
Video 16: Meditation and Prayer (8:14)
Video 17: The Biggest Wrong Turn to Happiness (11:30)
Video 18: The Invitation of Joy (8:32)
Video 19: The Invitation of Grief
Day 11
Blissology Journal Topic: work on yesterday's 6 thought loops
Energy Can Only be Transferred Yoga Flow
Day 12
Zoom Call recording: Discussion and Meditation (52:43)
Blissology Discussion Question
Peace in Conflict Meditation (14:05)
Day 13
Yoga Routine: You Conduit!
Zoom Call Discussion + Meditation (55:59)
Adrenal Draining + Meditation (25:14)
Today's Blissology Discussion: What is a Power Greater than You?
Lecture Content Block 4
Video 20: 3 Blissology Power Centers
Video 21: Power Center of Belly/ Will
Video 22: Power Center of Heart/ Love
Video 23: Power Center of Head/ Stillness
Video 24: Understanding and Love
Day 18 Friday Sept 24
Today's Yoga Flow
Super Soul Meditation
Conduit for Love Tee
Day 15
Somatic Skills: Heart Dusting (15:11)
Today's Meditation
How Nature Brings us out of our thought loops
Day 16
Adrenal Draining (25:14)
Short Interview with Allan Ball
Blissology Discussion Question: Do we accept or ignore the Invitation of Grief?
Savage Bliss: The Invitation of Grief
Please read this short article I wrote in the Huffington Post a few years back
Day 17
Fearless Love Yoga Flow
Blissology discussion - finish and comment on Sunday's question on Invitation of Grief
Day 18
Blissology Discussion Topic: "Deflating ME while Inflating WE"
Today's Meditation
Does Your Mind Walk You?
Day 19
Last Blissology Question: Understanding (1:00)
Yoga Practice
Somatic Skills: Heart Dusting (15:11)
Thank You for this precious time together. (3:02)
Teach online with
Super Soul Meditation
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