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Conduit For Love
Welcome to Conduit For Love (Part 2 of Commit to Bliss)
Conduit for Love Book for Session 1
Conduit for Love Tees
Session 1
Video 1: Welcome to Conduit for Love (6:54)
Video 3: The Lion and the Lightning Bolt: Understanding this course through the Badge (7:21)
Video 4: Review from Commit Sessions Part 1 (13:19)
Video 5: Review from Commit Sessions Part 2 (9:13)
Video 6: What is Love? Part One: The Greatest Gift (11:32)
Video 7: What is Love? Part Two: Love Blurs the Line. (10:27)
Video 8: You are a Conduit for Love (20:44)
Session 1 | Om Work
Why are we so lonely?
What qualities can you release to remove blocks to kindness?
What is the relationship between tightly knotted muscles and love?
One week to walk around broadcasting love - we want to hear if there is any difference in the way people treat you 12:37 of Conduit video
Session 1 - Day 1
Intro to Metta-Physical Yoga (12:18)
Metta-Physical Yoga
Session 1 - Day 2
Journal Topic: Ministry of Loneliness a 2 min watch
Blissology Journal Questions - Please answer here. (3:35)
What grade would you give us as a culture when it comes to loving each other?
Today's Yoga Practice Option 1 = Full Yoga Honey
Today's Yoga Practice Option 2 = Yoga Honey Short Form
Session 1 - Day 3
Yoga: Energy Can Only Be Transferred
Who is someone you miss and how does this help you get clear on what you can leave behind?
Blissology Journal Topic: Who is someone you miss and how does their love live on in your life? (2:19)
Session 1 - Day 4
Blissology Discussion Topic: How blocked are you and how open are you When you are in situations where you are sharing your gifts? (3:43)
Getting Unstuck: today's gentle yoga practice
Session 1 - Day 5
Fearless Love Yoga Flow
Session 2
Lecture Notes for Block 2
Video 9: What Love? An Energy or a just a Hormone? (12:09)
Video 10: Peace and Love, Cardamon and Chai - use Youtube
Video 11:Peace, Love and Non-Attachment (9:31)
Video 12: Love is a Fire; Peace is an Oxygen Mask (11:05)
Video 13: Yoga Asana and Love (9:27)
Session 2 - Day 6
BONUS: Here is a 50 min video from our Vancouver 2019 training
Yoga: You Conduit Flow
Session 2 - Day 7
Camp Yoga 17 mins
Intention of a Blissology Yoga class
Blissology Discussion topic: What happens to others when we "broadcast Love?"
Session 2 - Day 8
Do you get your happiness from inner peace? Lecture 10 non-attachment 2:19 (3:19)
Sunday Head Belly Heart Meditation Practice (10:21)
Sunday Meditation Intro to Head Belly Heart Harmony (3:18)
Session 3
Video 14: Love is Your Power Source
Video 15: Take a Ride with the Wise Guide Inside
Video 16: Meditation and Prayer (8:14)
Video 17: The Biggest Wrong Turn to Happiness (11:30)
Video 18: The Invitation of Joy (8:32)
Video 19: The Invitation of Grief
Session 3 - Day 9
Yoga Practice Option 1 = Full Yoga Honey
Yoga Practice Option 2 = Yoga Honey Short Form
Session 3 - Day 10
Yoga: Energy Can Only Be Transferred
Blissology Journal Topic: Describe the physical sensations of peace and love.
Session 3 - Day 11
For today's Blissology Discussion, answer yesterday's - we want to give you a day to get caught up
Getting Unstuck: today's gentle yoga practice
Session 3 - Day 12
Journal Topic: What are Your 6 Most Common Thought Loops (0:59)
Fearless Love Yoga Flow
Saturday Practice: Peace in Conflict Meditation (14:05)
Somatic Skills: Heart Dusting (15:11)
Session 3 - Day 13
Yoga: You Conduit Flow
Session 3 - Day 14
Energy Can Only be Transferred Yoga Flow
Session 3 - Day 15
Sattvic Breath Massage Review from Commit to Bliss Course
Blissology Discussion Question
A little inspiration on releasing thought loops
Also, some inspiration 4 U
Session 4
Video 20: 3 Blissology Power Centers
Video 21: Power Center of Belly/ Will
Video 22: Power Center of Heart/ Love
Video 23: Power Center of Head/ Stillness
Video 24: Understanding and Love
Session 4 - Day 16
Yoga Practice Option 2 = Yoga Honey Short Form
Session 4 - Day 17
Yoga: Energy Can Only Be Transferred
Today's Blissology Discussion: What is a Power Greater than You?
Session 4 - Day 18
Today's Yoga Flow
Super Soul Meditation
Conduit for Love Tee
Session 4 - Day 19
Somatic Skills: Heart Dusting (15:11)
Adrenal Draining (25:14)
How Nature Brings us out of our thought loops
Session 4 - Day 20
Yoga Routine: You Conduit!
Short Interview with Allan Ball
Blissology Discussion Question: Do we accept or ignore the Invitation of Grief?
Savage Bliss: The Invitation of Grief
Please read this short article I wrote in the Huffington Post a few years back
Session 4 - Day 21
Blissology discussion - finish and comment on the question on Invitation of Grief
Session 4 - Day 22
Blissology Discussion Topic: "Deflating ME while Inflating WE"
Today's Meditation
Does Your Mind Walk You?
Session 4 - Day 23
Special treat for today's meditation!
Today's Yoga
Session 4 - Day 24
Today's Meditation
Today's Somatic Practice
Session 4 - Day 25
Last Blissology Question: Understanding (1:00)
Yoga Practice
Somatic Skills: Heart Dusting (15:11)
Thank You for this precious time together. (3:02)
Teach online with
Also, some inspiration 4 U
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