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OLD Teaching Methodology : Interactive, September 11 - 21, 2020
Day 1: Online Lectures with Eoin Friday Sept 11, Bali Time
Welcome to the Course! (7:22)
What does Hatha Yoga Really Mean? (9:25)
What does Vinyasa Yoga Really Mean? (3:25)
Introduction to Intelligent Vinyasa Yoga Sequences (8:35)
Breathing - 3 types (3:43)
soft ujjayi - calm, don't agitate. (9:39)
Introduction to Yoga Honey - Understanding the sequence (9:28)
Learn Sun Salutations (4:52)
An inhale and exhale demo you will never forget! (2:33)
Understanding when to cue inhales and exhales (9:36)
The Importance of Timing: Lay down your Drum Track first (7:05)
Tempo Exercise: Sun Salutations using just Inhale and Exhale (3:32)
Demoing. The Blissology Progression (8:42)
Zoom Call 1 with Eoin + OM WORK Saturday Sept 12, Bali Time
Recording of First Zoom Call with Eoin - watch online or download directly (65:06)
OM WORK: VIDEOS Teach Sun Sal A + teach ujjayi breath in 3 - 4 minutes (3:04)
OM WORK: Written answers (3:23)
Practice these SUN SALUTATIONS
Practice Teaching Day Sunday Sept 13, Bali Time
SUN SALUTATIONS - practice these
practice this 4 minute yoga stretch
Small Group Check-in
Short Article: Why I practice when I am teaching.
Day 4: Online Lectures with Eoin 2 Monday Sept 14,8 am Bali Time
Overview of this session (4:52)
GOLD from upcoming Yoga Foundations Course: Foot Placement in Sun Salutations (16:37)
Planes of Movement (13:08)
Cueing DUO Lines (13:21)
Where to get your cues from (6:04)
How long to hold standing poses for (5:24)
Secrets to Teaching an All-level Class (12:08)
EOIN's Asana Lab: Triangle (13:13)
EOIN's Asana Lab: Pyramid (9:01)
EOIN's Asana Lab: Revolved Triangle (7:16)
Understanding the Logic of the Triangle Matrix sequence (7:22)
Triangle Pose Matrix in a Vinyasa Flow (11:47)
Zoom Call 2 with Eoin + OM WORK Tuesday Sept 15, Bali Time
Zoom Call with Eoin for you to watch and enjoy (66:03)
Teach Triangle Pose Matrix
Day 6 Wednesday OM WORK Sept 16, Bali Time
Small Group Check-in
Blissology Project Yoga Routine Yoga practice
Timing of vinyasa and sun salutations - missing from session one (17:11)
OM WORK: Meditation, Yoga + Anger
OM Work: Teach and post a video of the Triangle Pose Matrix (0:27)
OM Work about timing of vinyasa yoga (related to video above on timing) (3:48)
Day 7 Thursday Sept 17, Bali Time
Small Group Check-in
OM Work Part three (4:31)
Day 8 Friday Sept 18, Bali Time
Small Group Check-in
YOGA HONEY from our Bali Feb 2020 Graduating Class
Day 9: Online Lectures with Eoin 3 Saturday Sept 19, Bali Time
EOIN's Asana Lab: Side Angle Pose (17:36)
EOIN's Asana Lab: Anjaney Asana Pose (12:55)
EOIN's Asana Lab: Revolved Prayer Pose (9:59)
5 minute Blissification - some movement to help you study
Zoom Call 3 with Eoin + Assignments Sunday Sept 20, Bali Time
Zoom Call with Eoin Recording - Enjoy (58:11)
Understanding the Logic of the Warrior Matrix sequence (3:11)
Warrior Matrix to create CALM (8:10)
Warrior Matrix to create more FITNESS (6:14)
Understanding Sequencing by Analyzing Grounded in Calm Sequence (3:01)
The most important decision that shapes your practice Fitness or Calming (5:22)
Grounded in Calm: A flow featuring Yoga Honey Sequences (29:39)
Day 11 Monday Sept 21, Bali Time
Starting with end in mind and get a watch! (8:19)
It all starts with getting clear on the feeling you want to share (9:09)
Manual for Methodology Session
Small Group Check-in
Yoga Honey Routine (SHORT)
Day 13 Wednesday Sept 23, Bali Time
Small Group Check-in
BONUS: Day 14 Zoom Call 4 with Eoin Thursday Sept 24, Bali Time
Zoom Call with Eoin RECORDING (80:38)
Teach online with
Warrior Matrix to create CALM
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