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Somatics and Sequencing with Mentorship
Course Overview
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The Blissology Class Planner; Download and Print
Sequencing Course Manual Week One: Download and Print
Sequencing Course Manual Week Two: Download and Print
Sequencing Course Manual Week Three: Download and Print
Sequencing Course Manual Week Four: Download and Print
Sequencing Course Manual Week Five: Download and Print
!!! Submit your videos in these links (for later)
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Intention and Feeling
Welcome to this Course (8:45)
Important Course Logistics
Meta Level: This course, Blissology and Eoin's Background (8:09)
Vinyasa Yoga as Playlists (5:03)
Iyengar and Krisnamacharya practice Vinyasa Yoga in 1936
Lower the bar. Remove the Pressure to Create Great Sequences
Intention and Feeling (5:37)
How Much Exercise vs Relaxation (9:22)
Tools for Heating and Calming in Vinyasa Yoga (10:06)
The Gunas and Sequencing (12:22)
Using the Blissology Class Planner on Earth Body Yoga (9:22)
Today's Yoga Routine: Earth Body Yoga "Pipeline" the Full Routine (75:14)
OM Work: Sequencing Theory Lectures
QUIZ multiple choice Questions 1-4
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Week 1 - Sequencing Experiential Modules Day 1+2
The Birth of a Sequence: Lizard Ardha Flow Part One. Eoin's Process. (13:10)
"Playings" of movement: from Teaching Methodology (13:08)
Teacher to Teach Convo: Let's talk about the videos of Joy and Carrie. Includes OM WORK Assignment (7:26)
Carrie on her yoga experiences (1:10)
Joy on her yoga experiences (3:15)
Planes of Movement, Families of Poses in EBY. Includes OM WORK Assignment! (6:23)
Modular Thinking in Sequences: Using Earth Body Yoga (10:20)
"Pleasure Point Routine: Earth Body Yoga Short + Mellow (41:57)
Breaking down the Earth Body Yoga Flow
Earth Body Yoga PDF - Download and Print
Day 3: "Swamis"
"Swamis" Routine: Earth Body Yoga Short + Firey (53:08)
Day 4: Earth Body Yoga
Understanding the 3 Routines of Earth Body Yoga (6:33)
A deeper dive into the Earth Body Yoga Logistics (5:00)
Blissology Principle for Cueing DUO: Yang People can Enjoy the Preparatory Place (10:42)
Breaking Down the Standing Pose Flow from EBY so you can teach it (17:30)
Day 5: Review Your Own Video
Special Focus on Surfer's Triangle from the EBY Standing Pose Flow
Guidelines to help you Evaluate your Yoga Sequences: (8:28)
Review your own EBY standing pose sequence
Day 7: Metta Physical Yoga
Metta Physical Yoga Introduction
Metta Physical Yoga 37 Mins
WEEK 2 - Day 8: LECTURES Considerations for designing your ideal class
Detail vs Flow (10:00)
All Levels vs Specific Levels (7:49)
Peak Poses and Target Areas in the Body (5:25)
Sequences You are Dying to Share (2:51)
Themes and Philosophy (5:17)
Using Music to Inspire the Creation of Your Sequences (3:10)
Taking Environment into Consideration for Sequencing (4:54)
Time considerations - using logic but staying in a flow (6:33)
What is the Somatic Experience and Why? (6:23)
Embodiment from the Commit to Bliss Course (9:23)
Are there any skillsets you want to work on?
Injuries: how to adapt the practice to what you are seeing in the room
Day 9: LECTURES Considerations for designing your ideal class
Journaling and Yoga Stick Figures: The Art of Yoga (Literally) (5:52)
Creating a "Class Map" Yoga Using "Peace and Possibility Flow" (3:22)
Understanding the Logic of the Peace and Possibility Flow (12:58)
Blissology Sequencing Principle: 2 Things stay the Same (1:56)
Blissology Sequencing Principle: The One Breath, One Movement Test (1:57)
Peace and Possibility Speed Up to Show one Breath, One Movement (1:05)
Peace and Possibility PDF - Download and Print
Workshopping BEFORE the Class starts using Dragonfly (1:38)
Real Example of a Pre-Class Workshop using Dragonfly (4:56)
Routine: Peace and Possibility Sequence in a 35 min class - ENJOY (34:25)
Our state of Mind is in our Hands
WEEK 2 - OM Work
Question 1: Do you enjoy practicing yoga sequences to music ?
Question 2: Why is journaling (or blogging) important for your themes in class?
Question 3: What does "you are your own focus group" mean to you? Why is testing your sequences on yourself essential?
Question 4: In a class would you choose Galavasana or Standing Pigeon first. Why?
Question 5: How would you encourage people to stay in standing pigeon
Question 6: Name one con of workshopping in a vinyasa flow class
Question 7: Name one pro of workshopping in a vinyasa flow class
Question 8: Thought experiment: You have worked at your desk all day…
Question 9: What is the difference between embodiment and what Eoin calls “embrainment?”
Question 10: Why do you think we need water bottles to connect to our smart phones to tell us if we have had enough water or not?
Day 10: How to Modify Peace
Eoin's Notes: A guide to the Videos for Week 2
How to Modify Peace + Possibility flow for more Yang People (5:38)
Leveling Down: Modifying Peace and Possibility Flow (20:30)
Day 11
Practice Teaching The Peace and Possibility Flow
Day 12: Rest Day
Rest Day to practice the Peace and Possibility Flow
Day 13: Submit your video #1 about Peace + Possibility
This Week's Teaching Assignment! Peace & Possibility Sequence - Video #1 (2:13)
Day 14: Rest Day
Have some time to rest & digest :)
WEEK 3 - Day 15: How Embodiment helps us not go Too Deep, Too Soon
Intro to Week 3, Please read
Blissology Themes: Intention of a Blissology Class (5:16)
Everything to Prove in a Competitive World (3:56)
A Vision for Empowered Teachers AND Students (4:06)
Article: What is Embodiment from the Elephant Journal
How to create the Somatic Experience (9:25)
The Importance of Practicing while you are Teaching (5:14)
The Philosophy + Physiology of the Embodied Experience (14:25)
WEEK 3 Day:16 - Experiential Practice (Cueing DUO + the Neurology of Sequencing)
Intro to Today's content (1:52)
What is DUO and Why? (6:56)
What are "Go-Arounds?" (3:51)
Pigeon Pose From Laura after just session one of Align Your Yoga! (2:30)
Historical Record of Pigeon Pose + Why Blissology Alignment has a hard sell (6:00)
Cueing DUO Lines for a "3D" Yoga Experience (7:39)
The Science of Warming Up to create elegant sequences and cues (12:50)
Short Practice Lab: Using the Neurology of Stretch for Counter Poses and Fluidity (7:19)
Sharing My Process: Creating a Slow Flow Practice (15:41)
Flow Practice: Slowness Begets Stillness (29:55)
WEEK 3 - OM Work Questions
Question 1: What are 2 Intentions of the Dragonfly Mini-Workshop I taught before class?
Question 2: When people are aware of bodily feedback (somatic awareness,) can they easily hurt themselves?
Question 3: What are three things you can do to help people create more mind-body harmony (Embodiment)?
Question 4: Do you agree that that because people are taught, "no pain, no gain" that we tend to override their sensory feedback?
Question 5: Can you see how increasing the sensory awareness might help to balance this drive? If so, how?
Question 6: What is the difference in the feeling between collapsed poses with no DUO (1D) vs expanded poses with DUO (3D)?
Question 7: Why does understanding the muscle stretch reflex help us understand about how much time we give people to get into poses
Question 8: What does understanding the muscle stretch reflex help you understand about how to build intelligent sequences?
Question 9: Share three takeaways you got from the "Sharing my Process" video
Question 10: Share Your "Proud Lizard Flow" Ending (24:24)
Day: 17
work on OM Work Questions today
Day 18: Rest & Digest :)
Rest Day
WEEK 3 - Teaching Assignment
Video and overview of this week's Teaching Assignment: Watch this FIRST (12:42)
1 Visualize in your mind an all-levels class with Wheel Pose as the Peak Pose
2 What is an Alternative for Yang People and a Preparation for Wheel in an All-Levels class?
3 What’s another pose you could offer in this family of poses for someone with spondylolisthesis can’t do a back bend but can stretch the Front Body?
4 What are 5 poses in the Front Body Stretch family that you would include in a sequence to help prepare us in this peak pose in the family, Wheel Pose?
5. What is a great counter pose for Wheel Pose and why?
6. Share one metaphor, image or analogy for how you feel in wheel
7. What are 3 tendencies/ Go-Arounds that people have in Wheel pose?
8. What are 2 things we need "de-prioritze" (unlearn) in order to keep Wheel pose safe and to not Go-Around the DUO Lines?
9. Exercise: Do wheel pose with a journal beside you. Write two paragraphs. One paragraph about the feeling of wheel and one paragraph about the feeling right after wheel when you come out of it
10. Exercise: Record yourself teaching 2 wheel poses and 2 minutes of counter poses
Day 19
Start on Week 3 Teaching Assignment Today
Day 20: Work on the assignments
Submit your video #2 about Wheel Pose
WEEK 4 - Day 22: LECTURES The Why and How of Embodiment
LECTURES The Why and How of Embodiment (3:16)
Is Embodiment the End Game? 3 Reasons for Embodiment (15:18)
The Energy Arch: Blissology Formula (9:13)
3 ways of warming up (8:01)
The Lens of Contracted Sea Anemones and Open, Pulsating Jellyfish (7:13)
8 min practice: Adrenal Draining (10:32)
The Process of Embodiment + Teaching Assignment (12:50)
Your Turn: Teaching Assignment Adrenal Draining
Day 23: Gomukhasana
Gomukasana Blissology Style: LSB Stretch (18:04)
Historical Record Gomukhasana (5:42)
Meditation: Getting Unstuck; a Fusion of Meditation, Blissology Yoga + The Embodied Release Valve (28:17)
Your Turn: teaching Gomukhasana with "Embodied Alignment" as this week's Teaching Assignment (4:43)
Embodied Centering from Superflow Detail (16:56)
Embodied Centering from Superflow in Practice + 1 OM WORK QUESTION (11:37)
Day 24
Continue with Teaching Assignment: 5 minute class in Gomukhasana to allow us to open up from the "inside out"
Day 25
Slow is the New Black (Thursday BP Routine) (42:26)
Gomukhasana Video Tips (4:30)
Gomukhasana 5 minutes (5:49)
Day 26 - Submit your video #3 about Gomukhasana
Submit your video #3 about Gomukhasana
WEEK 5 - Day 29: Providing More Fiery Practices with Soul
LECTURE: Providing More Fiery Practices with Soul (3:39)
Embodying Your Inner Cheerleader (16:32)
How to Create a More Fiery Practice Safely (16:18)
Using Your Voice (13:11)
The Chakra Model and Your Voice (15:01)
The Spiritual Gift of Humor (12:28)
WEEK 5 - Experiential Session
Break it Down: The "Funky Fish Flow" (6:51)
The "Funky Fish Flow" from Hear Here Superflow (17:12)
How I built this: The Here Here Superflow Routine (12:22)
Hear Here Superflow (47:38)
Day 31: Designing a more vigorous yoga class
Sharing my Process: Designing a more vigorous Yoga Class (20:41)
Rocking Vinyasa - Lockdown Rock Down
The Last Teaching Assignment: Design Your own 8 minute Flow (5:02)
Day 32
Final Teaching Assignment again, for clarity (0:57)
Day 33
Submit your video #4 - Funky Fish Flow
Work on Final Assignment Teaching Videos
Last Official Day!
Submit Teaching Videos!
A heartfelt thank you (2:41)
The Path
Teach online with
Themes and Philosophy
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