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Yoga Sutras
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A Blissology Public Service Announcement from Eoin!
Lesson One;The Great Divorce of Purusha and Prakriti
Why study the sutras if it’s not about love? (8:46)
A brief History of Yoga + the Yoga Sutras (14:28)
Spirit vs Matter: What the Yogis are Saying (11:53)
Blissology Intra-Lecture Stretch Break 1 (1:43)
What Happens when we meditate (12:43)
What is Yoga Sutras 2,3 and 4 (13:25)
Yoga Means Disunion: Purusha and Prakriti - the great Divorce (10:23)
Blissology Intra-Lecture Stretch Break 2 (1:39)
Purusha and the Hard Problem of Consciousness. (10:58)
Food for Thought: Biocentrism
Food for Thought: The Hard Problem of Consciousness
Meditation Day 1
Meditation: the "Eye" within the "I" (10:18)
Lesson Two; the Kleshas
Vrittis and Kleshas: The Threads from Chapter 1 to Chapter 2 - The Kleshas: Obstacles That Keep us Attached
Threads connecting Chapter 1 to Chapter 2 (11:47)
Blissology Intra-Lecture Stretch Break (1:33)
1st Klesha: Avidya (6:40)
2nd Klesha: Asmita (3:42)
Blissology Intra-Lecture Stretch Break (1:00)
3rd and 4th Klesha: Raga and Dvesha (9:47)
5th Klesha: Abinivesha (9:50)
Meditation Day 2
Meditation Day 2 (12:41)
Session Three: The Yamas + Niyamas
The 8 Limbed Path Overview Part 1 and 2 (20:43)
The Great Vows: Yamas and Niyamas (8:19)
Ahimsa (6:43)
2nd Yama: Satya (5:50)
Blissology Intra-Lecture Stretch Break (2:07)
3rd Yama: Asteya (4:34)
4th Yama: Bramcharya (4:59)
5th: Aparigraha (5:36)
Blissology Intra-Lecture Stretch Break (2:04)
1st Niyama: Saucha (6:44)
2nd Niyama: Santosha (4:29)
3rd Niyama: Tapas (4:41)
stretch break (1:24)
4th Niyama: Svadhyaya (6:17)
5th Niyama: Isvarapranidana (6:47)
Meditation Day 3
Niyama Meditation for Session 3
Lecture Four - Limbs 3-8; Mediative Limbs
Intro to the Meditative Limbs 3-8 and the Chariot Analogy or the Senses
3rd Limb: Asana
Blissology Intra-Lecture Stretch Break
4th Limb: Pranayama
5th Limb: Pratyhara
Blissology Intra-Lecture Stretch Break 2
6th, 7th and 8th Limbs, the Samyamas: Dharana; Dhyana, Samadhi
The 8 Limbs understood through a Basketball Free Throw
Meditation Day 4
Meditation Day 4: Eight Limbs Meditation
Section Five: Eoin answers So why study the Sutras if you don't want to renounce the world?
Reason One: Renounce in order to Embrace.
Reason Two: Separating the Technology from the Philosophy
Reason Three: Yoga Sutras and Bhakti; Karma; Jnana; Tantra and Blissology Yoga
Blissology: Know Peace Before Love
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