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Blissology Project - Self Guided Journey
Welcome + Course Calendar
Time Commitments
Owning the Videos (1:02)
How teachable works
Overview of this program (YouTube)
About Bliss Commitment #1 YOGA
About Bliss Commitment #2 MEDITATION
Bliss Commitment #4 FOOD AWARENESS
Bliss Commitment #5 GRATITUDE
Bliss Commitment #6 WILD CARD
Blissology Project Workbook: Download and Print this Out.
MONDAY JAN 4, 2021
Welcome to Bliss Monday! (0:17)
INTRO To Today's YOGA: Hear Here Superflow 2 mins (2:02)
YOGA: Hear Here Superflow Full Version 48 mins (47:38)
YOGA: Hear Here Superflow Short Version 38 mins (38:22)
Intro to Today's MEDITATION: Eye of the Storm 3 mins (3:25)
MEDITATION: Eye of the Storm 8 mins (8:11)
NATURE APPRECIATION - Share your thoughts/ insights about this commitment
FOOD AWARENESS - Share your thoughts/ insights about this commitment
GRATITUDE Share what you are grateful for today!
High Prana Food Recipe Book: Week 1
ZOOM call #1 Recording (we will post the same on one on Tuesday too) (68:09)
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Zoom call one recording (also posted on Day 1) (68:09)
Commitment #6 WILD CARD Announced!!
Yoga : Intro to Lead with Light (1:00)
YOGA: Lead with Light Backbends (45:20)
Intro to Meditation: Spiritual ATM (1:50)
MEDITATION: Spiritual ATM Energy Meditation (13:35)
NATURE APPRECIATION Share your thoughts/ insights about this commitment
FOOD AWARENESS Share your thoughts/ insights about YOUR PRANAMETER!
GRATITUDE Share 3 THINGS you are grateful for today!
Here is Insiya's Yummy Dhal Recipe! This was a joy tonight.
Audio Recording of This Week's Zoom Call with Eoin + Insiya (68:09)
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Overview of Today (0:26)
Bonus: Insiya's Caramelized Apples for Gut Health #highpranafood
Intro to Metta / Loving Kindness (6:27)
MEDITATION: Metta/ Loving Kindness (13:31)
Intro: Ungrip my Hips (1:11)
YOGA: Ungrip my Hips (44:24)
NATURE APPRECIATION Share your thoughts/ insights about this commitment
FOOD AWARENESS Share your thoughts/ insights about YOUR PRANAMETER!
GRATITUDE Share 3 THINGS you are grateful for today!
How to Sing in the Shower (even if you can't sing)
WILD CARD: Sing in the Shower. HOW DID IT GO?
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Overview of Today + Blissology Talk (5:50)
Welcome to Bliss Thursday (0:47)
Intro to Slow is the New Black (1:18)
YOGA: Slow is the New Black (41:08)
Intro to Elemental Bliss MEDITATION (2:06)
MEDITATION: Elemental Bliss Ayurvedic Meditation (14:05)
NATURE APPRECIATION - share your insights about quiet time observing nature
FOOD AWARENESS Share your thoughts/ insights about YOUR PRANAMETER!
GRATITUDE Share what you are grateful for today!
WILD CARD: Sing in the Shower. HOW DID IT GO?
Friday, January 8, 2021
Overview of Today + Blissology Talk (0:10)
Intro to YOGA: Core Happiness
YOGA: Core Happiness FULL 45 mins (46:59)
YOGA: Core Happiness SHORTER 35 mins (38:38)
Intro to Clear Intention MEDITATION (0:49)
Clear Intention MEDITATION (8:14)
NATURE APPRECIATION Share your thoughts/ insights about this commitment
FOOD AWARENESS Share your thoughts/ insights about YOUR PRANAMETER!
GRATITUDE Share 3 THINGS you are grateful for today!
WILD CARD: Sing in the Shower. HOW DID IT GO?
Eoin's tips/ thoughts about Nature Appreciation
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Overview of Today (0:36)
Go Slow: some Nature Appreciation Inspiration
Intro to Metta-Physical Yoga (6:09)
YOGA: Metta Physical Yoga (37:37)
Intro to Head Belly Heart Meditation (3:18)
MEDITATION: Head Belly Heart Meditation (10:21)
NATURE APPRECIATION - share your insights about quiet time observing nature
FOOD AWARENESS Share your thoughts/ insights about YOUR PRANAMETER!
GRATITUDE Share 3 THINGS you are grateful for today!
WILD CARD: Sing in the Shower. HOW DID IT GO?
Important Intel about the WILD CARD!
Sunday, January 10, 2021
Overview of Today (0:25)
Option: Learn the Superflow Surf Check movements before practicing the Sea of Chi
Learn the Superflow 3 Abodes routine before practicing the Sea of Chi
Intro to Sea of Chi Superflow Yoga (0:30)
Superflow YOGA: Sea of Chi (28:30)
Intro to Ocean Pulsation Breath (3:18)
Breathwork/ Meditation: Ocean Pulsation Breath (9:43)
NATURE APPRECIATION - share your insights about quiet time observing nature
FOOD AWARENESS Share your thoughts/ insights about YOUR PRANAMETER!
GRATITUDE Share 3 THINGS you are grateful for today!
WILD CARD: Sing in the Shower. HOW DID IT GO?
Thoughts to share: Happiness is a Process of Subtraction
Monday, January 11, 2021: WEEK 2 Connection
Overview of Today + Blissology Talk, Week 2! (0:17)
YOGA: Hear Here Superflow Full Version 48 mins (47:38)
YOGA: Hear Here Superflow Short Version 38 mins (38:22)
MEDITATION: Eye of the Storm 8 mins (8:11)
NATURE APPRECIATION: Share your insights about quiet time observing nature.
FOOD AWARENESS: How does your food rate on the pranameter? How do you feel?
GRATITUDE: Share 3 things you are grateful for, that's it :-)
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Overview of Today
Zoom call 2 Invitation - add your questions
Intro to Lead with Light (1:00)
YOGA: Lead with Light Backbends (45:20)
Intro to Meditation: Spiritual ATM (1:50)
MEDITATION: Spiritual ATM Energy Meditation (13:35)
The Yoga Practice as a Mirror: Journal prompt questions
NATURE APPRECIATION: Share your insights about quiet time observing nature.
FOOD AWARENESS: How does your food rate on the pranameter? How do you feel?
GRATITUDE: Share 3 things you are grateful for, that's it :-)
WILD CARD #2: Blessing your food
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Zoom Call # 2 Recording from Jan 12
Overview of Today (0:26)
Intro to Metta / Loving Kindness (6:27)
MEDITATION: Metta/ Loving Kindness (13:31)
Intro: Ungrip my Hips (1:11)
YOGA: Ungrip my Hips (44:24)
The Yoga Practice as a Mirror: Journal prompt questions
NATURE APPRECIATION: Share your insights about quiet time observing nature.
FOOD AWARENESS: How does your food rate on the pranameter? How do you feel?
GRATITUDE: Share 3 things you are grateful for, that's it :-)
WILD CARD #2: Blessing your food
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Here's a sample of Wild Card #2, Blessing your food
Welcome to Bliss Thursday (0:47)
Intro to Slow is the New Black (1:18)
YOGA: Slow is the New Black (41:08)
Intro to Elemental Bliss MEDITATION (2:06)
MEDITATION: Elemental Bliss Ayurvedic Meditation (14:05)
The Yoga Practice as a Mirror: Journal prompt questions
NATURE APPRECIATION: Share your insights about quiet time observing nature.
FOOD AWARENESS: How does your food rate on the pranameter? How do you feel?
GRATITUDE: Share 3 things you are grateful for, that's it :-)
WILD CARD #2: Blessing your food - How is it going? What have you noticed?
Moments and random cuteness from the last Zoom Call
Friday, January 15, 2021
Overview of Today - Happy Friday! (0:10)
YOGA: Core Happiness FULL 45 mins (46:59)
YOGA: Core Happiness SHORTER 35 mins (38:38)
Intro to Clear MEDITATION: Clear Intention (0:49)
MEDITATION: Clear Intention (8:14)
The Yoga Practice as a Mirror: Journal prompt questions
NATURE APPRECIATION: Share your insights about quiet time observing nature.
FOOD AWARENESS: How does your food rate on the pranameter? How do you feel?
GRATITUDE: Share 3 things you are grateful for, that's it :-)
WILD CARD #2: Blessing your food - How is it going? What have you noticed?
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Overview of Today (0:36)
Intro to Metta-Physical Yoga (6:09)
YOGA: Metta Physical Yoga (37:37)
Intro to Head Belly Heart Meditation (3:18)
MEDITATION: Head Belly Heart Meditation (10:21)
NATURE APPRECIATION: Share your insights about quiet time observing nature.
FOOD AWARENESS: How does your food rate on the pranameter? How do you feel?
GRATITUDE: Share 3 things you are grateful for, that's it :-)
WILD CARD #2: Blessing your food - How is it going? What have you noticed?
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Overview of Today (0:25)
Option: Learn the Superflow Surf Check movements before practicing the Sea of Chi
Learn the Superflow 3 Abodes routine before practicing the Sea of Chi
Intro to Sea of Chi Superflow Yoga (0:30)
Superflow YOGA: Sea of Chi (28:30)
Intro to Ocean Pulsation Breath (3:18)
Breathwork/ Meditation: Ocean Pulsation Breath (9:43)
NATURE APPRECIATION - share your insights about quiet time observing nature
FOOD AWARENESS Share your thoughts/ insights about YOUR PRANAMETER!
GRATITUDE Share 3 THINGS you are grateful for today!
WILD CARD #2: Blessing your food - How is it going? What have you noticed?
Nature Appreciation Bonus!
Monday, January 18, 2021
New WILD CARD announced!
INTRO To Today's YOGA: Hear Here Superflow 2 mins (2:02)
YOGA: Hear Here Superflow Full Version 48 mins (47:38)
YOGA: Hear Here Superflow Short Version 38 mins (38:22)
Intro to Today's MEDITATION: Eye of the Storm 3 mins (3:25)
MEDITATION: Eye of the Storm 8 mins (8:11)
NATURE APPRECIATION - share your insights about quiet time observing nature
FOOD AWARENESS Share your thoughts/ insights about YOUR PRANAMETER!
GRATITUDE Share 3 THINGS you are grateful for today!
WILD CARD: Write a Letter on Paper to Someone you Appreciate
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Zoom Call #3 Invite Tuesday @ 9AM Bali Time is Monday @ 5pm Pacific
Overview of Today
Intro to Lead with Light (1:00)
YOGA: Lead with Light Backbends (45:20)
Intro to Meditation: Spiritual ATM (1:50)
MEDITATION: Spiritual ATM Energy Meditation (13:35)
The Yoga Practice as a Mirror: Journal prompt questions
NATURE APPRECIATION - share your insights about quiet time observing nature
FOOD AWARENESS Share your thoughts/ insights about YOUR PRANAMETER!
GRATITUDE Share 3 THINGS you are grateful for today!
WILD CARD: Write a Letter on Paper to Someone you Appreciate
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Overview of Today (0:26)
Intro to Metta / Loving Kindness (6:27)
MEDITATION: Metta/ Loving Kindness (13:31)
Intro: Ungrip my Hips (1:11)
YOGA: Ungrip my Hips (44:24)
The Yoga Practice as a Mirror: Journal prompt questions
NATURE APPRECIATION - share your insights about quiet time observing nature
FOOD AWARENESS Share your thoughts/ insights about YOUR PRANAMETER!
GRATITUDE Share 3 THINGS you are grateful for today!
WILD CARD: Write a Letter on Paper to Someone you Appreciate
Video overview of this week's High Prana Food Recipes
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Overview of this week's High Prana Food Recipes
Welcome to Bliss Thursday (0:47)
YOGA: Slow is the New Black (41:08)
Intro to Elemental Bliss MEDITATION (2:06)
MEDITATION: Elemental Bliss Ayurvedic Meditation (14:05)
The Yoga Practice as a Mirror: Journal prompt questions
NATURE APPRECIATION - share your insights about quiet time observing nature
FOOD AWARENESS Share your thoughts/ insights about YOUR PRANAMETER!
GRATITUDE Share 3 THINGS you are grateful for today!
WILD CARD: Write a Letter on Paper to Someone you Appreciate
Friday, January 22, 2021
Overview of Today - Happy Friday! (0:10)
YOGA: Core Happiness FULL 45 mins (46:59)
YOGA: Core Happiness SHORTER 35 mins (38:38)
Intro to Clear MEDITATION: Clear Intention (0:49)
MEDITATION: Clear Intention (8:14)
The Yoga Practice as a Mirror: Journal prompt questions
NATURE APPRECIATION - share your insights about quiet time observing nature
FOOD AWARENESS Share your thoughts/ insights about YOUR PRANAMETER!
GRATITUDE Share 3 THINGS you are grateful for today!
WILD CARD: Write a Letter on Paper to Someone you Appreciate
ZOOM CALL #3 recorded. Thanks for waiting!
Saturday, January 23, 2021
Overview of Today (0:36)
Intro to Metta-Physical Yoga (6:09)
YOGA: Metta Physical Yoga (37:37)
The Yoga Practice as a Mirror: Journal prompt questions
Intro to Head Belly Heart Meditation (3:18)
MEDITATION: Head Belly Heart Meditation (10:21)
NATURE APPRECIATION - share your insights about quiet time observing nature
FOOD AWARENESS Share your thoughts/ insights about YOUR PRANAMETER!
GRATITUDE Share 3 THINGS you are grateful for today!
WILD CARD: Write a Letter on Paper to Someone you Appreciate
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Overview of Today (0:25)
Option: Learn the Superflow Surf Check movements before practicing the Sea of Chi
Learn the Superflow 3 Abodes routine before practicing the Sea of Chi
Intro to Sea of Chi Superflow Yoga (0:30)
Superflow YOGA: Sea of Chi (28:30)
The Yoga Practice as a Mirror: Journal prompt questions
Intro to Ocean Pulsation Breath (3:18)
Breathwork/ Meditation: Ocean Pulsation Breath (9:43)
NATURE APPRECIATION - share your insights about quiet time observing nature
FOOD AWARENESS Share your thoughts/ insights about YOUR PRANAMETER!
GRATITUDE Share 3 THINGS you are grateful for today!
WILD CARD: Make or buy dinner for a Neighbor, preferably for someone elderly!
Monday, January 25, 2021
Overview of Today + Week 4! (0:17)
INTRO To Today's YOGA: Hear Here Superflow 2 mins (2:02)
YOGA: Hear Here Superflow Full Version 48 mins (47:38)
YOGA: Hear Here Superflow Short Version 38 mins (38:22)
The Yoga Practice as a Mirror: Journal prompt questions
Intro to Today's MEDITATION: Eye of the Storm 3 mins (3:25)
MEDITATION: Eye of the Storm 8 mins (8:11)
FOOD AWARENESS Share your thoughts/ insights about YOUR PRANAMETER!
NATURE APPRECIATION - share your insights about quiet time observing nature
GRATITUDE Share 3 THINGS you are grateful for today!
In case you missed WILD CARD NUMBER 4
WILD CARD: Make or buy dinner for a Neighbor, preferably for someone elderly!
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Last ZOOM call
YOGA: Lead with Light Backbends (45:20)
MEDITATION: Spiritual ATM Energy Meditation (13:35)
NATURE APPRECIATION: Share your insights about quiet time observing nature.
FOOD AWARENESS: How does your food rate on the pranameter? How do you feel?
GRATITUDE: Share 3 things you are grateful for, that's it :-)
WILD CARD: Make or buy dinner for a Neighbor, preferably for someone elderly!
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Overview of Today (0:26)
Intro to Metta / Loving Kindness (6:27)
MEDITATION: Metta/ Loving Kindness (13:31)
Intro: Ungrip my Hips (1:11)
YOGA: Ungrip my Hips (44:24)
The Yoga Practice as a Mirror: Journal prompt questions
NATURE APPRECIATION: Share your insights about quiet time observing nature.
FOOD AWARENESS: How does your food rate on the pranameter? How do you feel?
GRATITUDE: Share 3 things you are grateful for, that's it :-)
WILD CARD: Learn and Share a New Dance step
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Welcome to Bliss Thursday (0:47)
Intro to Slow is the New Black (1:18)
YOGA: Slow is the New Black (41:08)
Intro to Elemental Bliss MEDITATION (2:06)
MEDITATION: Elemental Bliss Ayurvedic Meditation (14:05)
The Yoga Practice as a Mirror: Journal prompt questions
NATURE APPRECIATION: Share your insights about quiet time observing nature.
FOOD AWARENESS: How does your food rate on the pranameter? How do you feel?
GRATITUDE: Share 3 things you are grateful for, that's it :-)
WILD CARD: Make or buy dinner for a Neighbor, preferably for someone elderly!
Friday, January 29, 2021
Overview of Today - Happy Friday! (0:10)
YOGA: Core Happiness FULL 45 mins (46:59)
YOGA: Core Happiness SHORTER 35 mins (38:38)
Intro to Clear MEDITATION: Clear Intention (0:49)
MEDITATION: Clear Intention (8:14)
The Yoga Practice as a Mirror: Journal prompt questions
NATURE APPRECIATION: Share your insights about quiet time observing nature.
FOOD AWARENESS: How does your food rate on the pranameter? How do you feel?
GRATITUDE: Share 3 things you are grateful for, that's it :-)
WILD CARD: Make or buy dinner for a Neighbor, preferably for someone elderly!
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Overview of Today (0:36)
Important PSA (0:57)
Intro to Metta-Physical Yoga (6:09)
YOGA: Metta Physical Yoga (37:37)
The Yoga Practice as a Mirror: Journal prompt questions
Intro to Head Belly Heart Meditation (3:18)
MEDITATION: Head Belly Heart Meditation (10:21)
NATURE APPRECIATION: Share your insights about quiet time observing nature.
FOOD AWARENESS: How does your food rate on the pranameter? How do you feel?
GRATITUDE: Share 3 things you are grateful for, that's it :-)
WILD CARD: Make or buy dinner for a Neighbor, preferably for someone elderly!
Testimonial Request/ Feedback
Have you seen this epic collage of our Nature Appreciation photos?
This is How the Blissology Project was born this year
Sunday, January 31, 2021
Overview of Today (0:25)
Short video: How to Keep this vibe Going (3:01)
Option: Learn the Superflow Surf Check movements before practicing the Sea of Chi
Learn the Superflow 3 Abodes routine before practicing the Sea of Chi
Intro to Sea of Chi Superflow Yoga (0:30)
Superflow YOGA: Sea of Chi (28:30)
The Yoga Practice as a Mirror: Journal prompt questions
Intro to Ocean Pulsation Breath (3:18)
Breathwork/ Meditation: Ocean Pulsation Breath (9:43)
NATURE APPRECIATION: Share your insights about quiet time observing nature.
FOOD AWARENESS: How does your food rate on the pranameter? How do you feel?
GRATITUDE: Share 3 things you are grateful for, that's it :-)
WILD CARD: Make or buy dinner for a Neighbor, preferably for someone elderly!
Blissology Project 2010 - a fun watch!
EcoKarma - the next step after Nature Appreciation
Teach online with
New WILD CARD announced!
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